Dear Isa Huseynov!
I congratulate you, the prominent representative of the Azerbaijani literature, on your 70th anniversary.
You have won the sympathy of the readers within a short period since you began your creative activity in the 1950s. Your novels and stories, which increase interest in the rich and complicated spiritual world of man, played an important role in the formation of a whole generation. Your works, which created optimistic feelings and respect towards the personality and dignity of man, have influenced positively the formation of a new generation of writers.
Moral purity and psychological moods of our contemporaries, desires for national values have found their artistic description in your works. You have contributed significantly to the development of the consciousness of our people by creating interest in history, language and culture of Azerbaijan. The novels, which analyze our successes and loss sensitively and with a heavy heart, have been welcomed with interest by the admirers of literature. They have been translated into several languages, published in various countries.
You are popular in the country as a productive script writer. Scripts of the films «Ulduzlar sonmur» («The Stars never extinguish»), «Nesimi», «Tutek Sesi» («Sound of Pipe»), the brightest pages of the national cinema, are the products of your pen. These films do not only play an important role in the perception of our history, but also preserve their moral influence and value today.
The most mature and responsible period of your creative work coincides with the initial periods of the independence of our republic. Now, there are broad opportunities for the development of culture and literature as in other fields of the country. I am sure that you will enrich our national literature with new of art pieces.
I wish you a long life, good health and new creative successes.
Heydar Aliyev,
President of the Republic of Azerbaijan