In the 90s of XX c, the Azerbaijan Republic, after proclaiming its independence and joining the international community, has devetoped greatly for nearly 10 years, achieved an economic and political stability, and is getting integrated into the modern world with the help of all nation leader Heydar Aliyev's diplomacy.
In the introduction the author grounds the relevance of the topic, analyses the research rules, defines the purposes and tasks, and clarifies its scientific novelty, theoretical and practical significance, approbation and structure.
The first chapter gives the characteristics of the major development tends, enlightens the conceptual bases of the political integration procedures in the modern historical period, provides theoretical and scientific analysis of the integration procedures and modern international political relations considering the practical results of the problems such as the specifications of the political integration in the post-soviet countries, and investigates the problems as the ways and stages of the integration of а sovereign political system into the world.
In the second chapter the author reveals the role and importance of all nation leader Heydar Aliyev in the establishment of the strategic framework of Azerbaijan's integration into the world. Defining the Azerbaijan’s development strategy which began integrating into the globalizing world Heydar Aliyev puts an emphasis on the implementation of national development into the world regulation and to realize this aim, he, as the strongest mean, highlights the global energy strategy, the oil and communication diplomacy.
In the conclusion of the thesis, the generalizations are made, perspective development ways of the problem are predicted and concrete scientific and theoretical recommendations are put forth.