Ladies and gentlemen, dear friends!
I greet you cordially on the occasion of 80th anniversary of establishment of national security services of Azerbaijan.
The national security services of Azerbaijan have passed a complex, a contradictory and, at the same time, a glorious way in the course of 80 years. During 80 years several generations of Azerbaijanis, patriots have been serving in security services of Azerbaijan, the took part at the creation of the history of security services of our republic.
While talking about history of security services one must take into consideration the negative influence of these services on Azerbaijan, our ethnic culture, history, science and local specialists. However, we don`t forget our compatriots, Azerbaijanis who devotedly served at these services.
In the period of Azerbaijan Democratic Republic the security services have been in the service of the young independent country. In the following 70 years the security services of Azerbaijan have served for soviet regime, communist ideology, being the integral part of security services of Soviet Union they were dealing with implementation their politics and practical measures. After gaining the independence the security services of Azerbaijan took its own place in the process of independent activity of state bodies.
At all stages of activity of security services there were negative for our people factors, however, the security services had many deserts before our people. It is necessary to note that in the period of soviet regime, in 1920-1930s in particular, the security services served as a tool for implementation of reprisals politics of soviet regime and caused a lot of damages to Azerbaijani people. However, after 1953, i.e. death of Stalin, the trends that took place in Soviet Union took place as well at the security services of Azerbaijan, the positive changes started. Hence, in the period after 1953, the security services of Azerbaijan, being the integral part of security services of Soviet Union, managed to make the security services of the republic to serve in certain limits to our nation interests.
Today it must be noted also that the security services of soviet regime have had emergency powers for implementation of politics of the Center in the union republics, especially in Muslim and Turkic speaking republics. There were a few local specialists in the security services of Azerbaijan. The specialists, depending on the center and executing its orders took and active place in implementations of reprisals in Azerbaijan and striking blows to our people.
I have mentioned that the attitude of center towards Muslim republics was different from that towards other republics. Therefore, there was not any possibility of forming local specialists in security services of Azerbaijan. This opportunity became available only after 1950s, starting from the second half of 1950s. However, for succeeding here, it was necessary to eliminate from these services those who have been actively implementing the politics against Azerbaijani people.
I recall that in 1953, after the death of Stalin some institutional changes were carried out in security services. At this period I was the Head of Counterespionage department of the ministry, afterwards the Committee of State Security of Azerbaijan. Even today I feel myself terrified recalling that period - whom we were working with! There were a few local specialists. At that period the uneducated, useless people were recruited, the representatives of other nationalities were holding the main leading positions. Only after second half of 1950s, in 1960s and in 1970s one got opportunity to make serious changes in the organization of security of Azerbaijan.
I think that despite the damages caused by these services to our republic, coming of local specialists to the organization of security of Azerbaijan was our greatest achievement. The more representatives of our people come to these services the more it become possible to conduct its activity in accordance with national interests of Azerbaijan.
Imagine that at that time it was impossible to appoint someone among representatives of local specialist to the position of the Head of Ministry of Security. They were saying simply, openly that he must be someone from the center, not Azerbaijani. Designation of an Azerbaijani to the position of the Head of the Committee of National Security of Azerbaijan became one could say a historical event.
We have done a lot of work at that period, we succeeded in formation and promotion of local specialists at security services. Unfortunately, starting from 1985 the process of coming of specialists to the security services from outside commenced again. At last, as it was mentioned here, in 1988, the hardest period of Azerbaijan, someone who has never worked in Azerbaijan and was not aware of peculiarities of our republic was designated by Center to the position of Head of Ministry of Security. It was made intentionally. Because they wanted to suppress the will of local specialists working for security services of Azerbaijan and put them under supervision of the Center.
I would like to note that the situation was not the same in other republics of South Caucasus. The number of local specialists working for security services there was overwhelming; moreover, the heads of these services were designated among local specialists.
I recall a fact. It seems me that in 1972, 1973 or 1974 years the Head of the Committee of State Security was replaced by a Russian detached from Moscow. I remember that at one of my meetings with Andropov he said me that after taking this decision Mikoyan called and complained him. He said that designation of a Russian to the position of the Head of Armenian security services was an error and why they did it. At that time I said to Andropov whether Mikoyan ever thought that in the course of decades any Azerbaijani was designated to this post, only specialists of Russian nationality detached from Moscow have been designated to this position.
Hence, you may see that in comparison with other republics of South Caucasus, the attitude towards Azerbaijan was completely different. The purpose of all this was keeping Azerbaijan always under pressure, control it and prevent the national revival and rebirth.
Unfortunately, there was process of reduction of number of local specialists at Committee of Security of Azerbaijan in 1985-1986s, the specialist who came from outside took here some places. You may remember that on the eve of the Armenian-Azerbaijani Mountainous Garabagh conflict numerous brigades were dispatched from Moscow to both the Ministry of National Security and Ministry of Internal Affairs of Azerbaijan, they had for the purpose to destroy our republic and damage the national culture and national wealth of Azerbaijan. In these conditions, the period from 1988 up to gaining of independence in the security services of Azerbaijan may be compared with the period in 1930s.
Thus, there were different periods in the history of the security services and each period had its peculiarities. For correct reflection of the history of our country in XX century the different researches and historical studies must be conducted and objective, fairness-based works must be published.
At all these periods, along with all shortcomings of the security services, there were patriots in this system, the Azerbaijanis who served faithfully to their people. We must not forget it.
The veterans of the security services of Azerbaijan participate at this solemn ceremony today. I think that we should appreciate their past services for the Republic of Azerbaijan and we must thank them for their faithful service to their Homeland and their people.
Since gaining independence very serious processes were underway at the security services. Finally, the Ministry of National Security managed to start to serve for the state independence of Azerbaijan.
Undoubtedly, many strikes were blown to the work of the Ministry of National Security in the course of these processes. However, I am pleased to note today that all of this left in the past, the Ministry of National Security is capable to work for the national interests of Azerbaijan.
The ministry of National Security of independent Azerbaijan has inherited a lot from the past period. It is, first of all, local specialists of Azerbaijan. If the local specialists were not formed in the past period it would be very difficult to ensure the activity of such a difficult organization like Ministry of National Security nowadays.
Our institution of security has inherited a great material and technical basis from the past period. If this basis was not, Ministry of National Security would not be able to carry out its activity. I want to note especially the beautiful building of the Ministry of National Security. As you know, I am initiator of construction of many buildings and palaces in Azerbaijan, including Baku in the past period. The most distinguished one among them is Presidential Palace of Azerbaijan. One of them is the building of the Ministry of National Security. These buildings are modern and useful both from the viewpoint of architecture and as the integral parts of architectural complex of the city, moreover, they are convenient for carrying out duties assigned to them. The location of the Ministry of National Security in such a beautiful and convenient for their activity building is one of the most important things inherited from the past period.
The work and achievements of the Ministry of National Security of Azerbaijan in the course of the last years are worth of appreciation. The facts voiced in the report of the Minister Namig Abbasov prove of necessity and importance of the activity of Ministry of National Security and security services in general in Azerbaijan. I would like to express my hopefulness that Ministry National Security, which is structured and formed already, will successfully settle problems facing it in the future. The duties you have are very big.
In the past period, during soviet regime the security services of Azerbaijan were dealing with implementation of decisions and decrees of the soviet government. Actually, in our country the security services are assigned to ensure the national interests of Azerbaijan. However, it is difficult to accomplish this duty. Therefore, we are expecting more on behalf of the Ministry of National Security of Azerbaijan.
The well-known facts, as well as those, voiced here demonstrate that the interest of foreign intelligence services towards Azerbaijan is increasing gradually. The security institution should work more actively in order to prevent their activity and protect the national interests of Azerbaijan. The other fact, which makes our situation more difficult in this regard, is that we are in war with neighboring Armenia. Actually we are trying to settle the Armenian-Azerbaijan conflict peacefully. However, at the same time different intelligence and provocation acts on behalf of Armenia are underway and they must be prevented, it should not take place in Azerbaijan.
Speaking in general, Azerbaijan is attracting the attention of foreign intelligence services and Azerbaijan must be protected against them. For this purpose, the Ministry of National Security must work better. The endeavors inside country to undermine the independence and statehood of Azerbaijan still exist. They must be prevented as well.
The experience of the last years showed that terror, provocation and other hostile acts were continuing against Azerbaijani statehood. The necessary measures for their prevention must be undertaken.
Hence, the Ministry of National Security has very big tasks. The first task is the protection and defense of state independence of Azerbaijan. The aggression acts against state independence of Azerbaijan continue and the independent politics of our state make some circles anxious. The counter measures are being used for undermining this politics and all efforts for distraction of Azerbaijan from the way of independence by any means are being made. Therefore, the main task of the Ministry of National Security is serving for independent politics of Azerbaijan, protection and defense of state independence.
Our task is restoring of territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. I would like to note that we are trying to settle the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict in a peaceful way. The Ministry of National Security has its own tasks. These tasks must be achieved appropriately.
The terrorism is widely spread now in the world. The facts voiced here show that there were endeavors to organize terror acts in order to undermine our statehood in the last years. However, event today the chances of it are high. Therefore, the Ministry of National Security must prepare special measures against terror acts and implement them.
Azerbaijan is increasing its economic capacity. Foreign investments flow to our country. Azerbaijan signed contracts for development of oil industry and we are implementing them now. Pipelines are being constructed: measures for transporting Azerbaijani oil to the world markets are being undertaken. However, all this make the enemies of Azerbaijan worried and it is possible to expect different provocation actions for undermining our projects. Therefore, one of the major tasks to be assigned to the Ministry of National Security is protection of our economic projects.
The borders of Azerbaijan must be protected more safely. The activity of frontier troops must be enhanced even more. The intelligence department of the Ministry of National Security must enhance its activity as well. We are still not able to receive useful information and necessary documents in the result of the activity of intelligence department. In general, the activity of intelligence department is weak and serious measures must be taken here.
The Ministry of National Security and its employees must know that Azerbaijani government has confidence on this ministry and its employees. Activity of the Ministry of National Security concerns many issues in Azerbaijan. At the security system of many other countries the intelligence service and frontier troops are separated. However, in Azerbaijan we keep all of these spheres within Ministry of National Security and I hope that this is a right decision. This puts many obligations and duties on the Ministry of Security. At the same time, it demonstrates the great confidence of Azerbaijani government to the Ministry of National Security. I state today once again that I trust completely in Ministry of National Security and I want to express my confidence that this ministry and its employees will always justify this trust.
For realization of its tasks the Ministry of National Security must always enhance its professional activity and experience. Well-educated young specialists must be formed, they must meet modern requirements.
It is well-known that there was need in clearance of the Ministry of Security in transition period. There was a need to clear it from persons not meeting the requirements of our days and those without faith towards their work. You must know it, perhaps, even today there is a need in it. However, at the same time recruitment of modern and highly skilled professionals must be carried out without loss of time. I think that the Academy under Ministry of National Security will start its activity shortly and it will contribute in achievement of this task. Anyway, we are ready to render the necessary support to the Ministry of National Security in this sphere. Only faithful, well-educated and professional specialists must be formed. If today Ministry of National Security faces so many facts of espionage, provocation and terror against Azerbaijan, then you can imagine how many you will have in the coming period. The number of it will not reduce - I can say it to you - but only increase. I reiterate that the independent politics of Azerbaijan makes anxious many people and endeavors for influencing Azerbaijan from different directions, using spies, terror acts and provocations will continue. For prevention of all this, the Ministry of National Security must enhance its power both quantitatively and qualitatively.
Serving at the Ministry of National Security, mastering the profession of provision of security of the state and people is an honorable mission for every citizen. Because employees of the security institutions enjoy high confidence as well as many authorities in the society. In his turn, it is necessary that every employee would realize its responsibility and fulfill his task.
The employees of the Ministry must be well-educated; they must know well the internal and foreign policy of Azerbaijan, as well Constitution of Azerbaijan and laws. Implementation of Constitution and laws is the major task of the employees of Ministry of National Security. You must aware of international situation, follow the processes underway in the international area. This is one of the major requirements during organization of your activity. The employees of the Ministry of National Security must be infinitely faithful to our people, Azerbaijani state and country. They must have high moral features. High morality is one of the major requirements of your profession. The employees of the Ministry of National Security must never take the way of treason to their people and country. Faithfulness and patriotism are main features and you must always maintain and develop these features.
In general, the Ministry of National Security occupies a special place amongst other state bodies of Azerbaijan and I wish that you could take such high place thanks to your practical work and activity. I would like to reiterate that I highly appreciate the achievements of the Ministry of National Security in the course of the last years and I express my gratitude to the leadership and employees of the Ministry of National Security for these achievements.
The ceremonies dedicated to the 80th anniversary opens a new stage in the history of Ministry of National Security of Azerbaijan. The works done in the elapsed years of independence are summed up and more favorable conditions for achievement of tasks in the coming years are created. I am sure that the Ministry of National Security, its employees will use their experience gained in the course of last years more usefully and they will do their work with dignity.