Question: What questions were primarily touched in Your speech?
Answer: In my speech, I first of all dwelled on the opportunities of our oil industry and rich oil and gas fields stating that Azerbaijan possesses a great industrial potential, large complex of chemical industry, machine-building and metallurgy industries, industrial processing of agricultural output and production of consumer goods. We have rich nature and fertile soil. All this creates a good base for active cooperation with different countries.
Question: How do You estimate the visit of president of the Islamic Development Bank to Azerbaijan?
Answer: I estimate it highly and I mentioned it in my speech too.
Question: What can You say regarding a role of the Islamic Development Bank in putting up investment in Azerbaijan?
Answer: I also appreciate highly the role of Islamic Development Bank in this area. There are great opportunities for it and I called on Islamic Development Bank to take active part in the economy of Azerbaijan.
Question: Can the Karabakh problem impede the cooperation in this area?
Answer: No, it cannot. Perhaps, you have not heard, but I have covered this issue in my speech.
Question: Are there any problems regarding investment in Azerbaijan?
Answer: No, there are no problems. Anybody can freely put investments here.
Question: Is there any international assistance in the settlement of Karabakh problem?
Answer: Yes, there is. I have spoken as regards this. Evidently, you have not listened to my speech.
Question: How do You appreciate the relations between Azerbaijan and Saudi Arabia?
Answer: Azerbaijan has good relations with Saudi Arabia. In 1994, I paid an official visit to Saudi Arabia at the invitation of King Fahd. I also met in Jeddah with Mr. Ahmad Mohammad Ali and visited Mecca and Medina.