Congratulatory speech of President of the Azerbaijan Republic, Heydar Aliyev on behalf of Asian states at the concluding sitting of the OIC Casablanca Summit - 15 December, 1994

Honorable chairman!

Your Majesty!

Your Excellency!

Dear sisters and brothers!

I highly appreciate the opportunity to speak on behalf of Asian states at the OIC Summit as it is a great honour for me. Taking such an opportunity I express deep appreciation to one of the founders of Organization of the Islamic Conference, world-known politician, our dear brother, His Majesty, King Hassan II and, in his person, to his friendly and brotherly people for the great work contributed to the arrangement of this Summit, as well as attention and care shown to us.

These days, we have become the witnesses of very efficient and useful work of Secretary-General of Organization of the Islamic Conference, Hamid al Gabid and the secretariat on the whole aimed at further strengthening of brotherhood among our countries, and I express my sincere appreciation for all of this. I hope that the VII Summit in Casablanca will become a new stage in greater strengthening of solidarity of the world Moslems and raising authority and power of Islamic states. Besides, the conference creates wide opportunities for clearer understanding by the world community of difficulties and problems faced by the Islamic world.

I want to mention with the feeling of great satisfaction that the VII Summit differs in a higher activity of all the Muslim states, in particular, situated in Asian continent and their broader representation at Organization of the Islamic Conference. The fact that the OIC has been replenished from 45 up to 52 members is a visual proof of it.

It is undeniable that the resolutions adopted here by us will become a weighty contribution to the solution of problems faced by the Islamic world, especially, by the Moslem countries of Asian continent. Some Moslem countries of Asian continent, including Azerbaijan, feel a great need for the attention and care of Organization of the Islamic Conference. Because these countries confront face to face with hard problems remained as a heritage of the past, as well as natural troubles engendered by independence which is strengthening with every passing day. These troubles include deepening economic crisis, the difficulties of transition period related to the volte-face of a socio-political system, war suffered by the number of states, economic blockade and many other political pressures. Civil wars and fraternal bloodshed in Tajikistan and Afghanistan, Kashmir and Palestine, as well as Armenian aggression against Azerbaijan lasting over six years and tens of other problems arouse serious concern today. That all complicated problems of Asian continent have been mentioned at the conference with a deep heart pain gives us consolation and inspires optimism connected with their settlement.

Economic and political support of friendly and brotherly Moslem countries can much facilitate the solution of problems we face. We wish Organization of the Islamic Conference to increase its authority and efforts towards elimination of the existing tension, liquidation of the war sources and return of those ejected from native places to their lands in order to stop the bloodshed of innocent people.

Let me assure you that the Moslem states of Asian continent, including Azerbaijan, will raise their efforts in the activity of Organization of the Islamic Conference, as well as in consecutive implementation of the decisions adopted at the Summit and do their utmost to raise the authority of this organization.

I congratulate you once again on the occasion of successful conclusion of the VII Summit meeting of Organization of the Islamic Conference. I wish you and your people, our Moslem sisters and brothers, happiness and welfare.

I want to express full confidence that Organization of the Islamic Conference will henceforth intensify its activity and gain its appropriate place in the worldwide policy.

The Azerbaijan daily, 20 December, 1994