Dissertation submitted to defense consists of an introduction, three chapters, conclusion and a list of used literature.

The Introduction substantiates the topicality of the theme, studies the level of study of the topic, defines the object and subject, the aims and objectives of the research, and formulates its scientific novelty, methods and sources, theoretical and practical significance.

The first chapter entitled “Haydar Aliyev and Nakhchivan” consists of three semi-chapters. This chapter investigates the history of Nakhchivan on a new plane, throws light on the great leader Haydar Aliyev’s activity in the direction of studying the history of Nakhchivan, gives broad analysis of the complex measurements carried out in the consolidation of statehood in Nakhchivan in 1969-1982 and 1990-1993 years and historical decisions signed by the great leader.

The second chapter entitled “Haydar Aliyev: problem of autonomy status and territorial integrity of Nakhchivan” consists of three semichapters. This chapter of the dissertation explains the works done by Haydar Aliyev related to the autonomy status of Nakhchivan, and its existence and development, analyzes the urgent works for territorial integrity of Nakhchivan, throws light on the services in the field of army construction.

The third chapter of the dissertation entitled “Developmental issues of science, education and culture in Nakhchivan” consists of four semichapters. This chapter deals with the reforms implemented in Nakhchivan under the authority of Haydar Aliyev, the accomplishments gained in the field of science, education and culture. At the same time, this chapter also studies the care for the prominent followers of Nakhchivan by the great leader and his activity in the direction of reconstruction and protection of historical monuments.

The "Conclusion" summarizes the thesis findings of the researcher on the topic
